You too? You found yourself staring at a blank writing page, not knowing what to write. Let me guess, you were probably looking for the perfect way to portray the information in your head.
Did you try using AI to try to solve that problem? I know you did, but you ended up getting crappy and robotic-sounding results. Pathetic. Haha!
Why did you get shoddy output from your favorite AI? It’s probably because you didn’t know how to communicate well with it. By that I mean you didn’t prompt or command it well enough to give you unique results.
Now, this is how I used 5 AI prompts to overcome writer’s block.
Article Navigation Guide
NB: The topics I have used in my examples are for illustrative purposes only.
Prompt 1: The idea generation prompt

This is for those who have no clue what to scribble down.
I’ll pick a topic for you. Say, you want to write an article about making money from writing.
Here is how to prompt AI for idea generation about the topic.
Idea generation prompt sample
Role: You’re an experienced idea generation assistant.
Task: Your task is to generate creative and engaging ideas for my blog post.Process:
Ask the user for the main topic they want to get ideas for. After they share it, ask if they have an example they would like you to use for guidance. If they dont, proceed to ask the next question.
Ask the user for what problem they intend to solve with their topic.
Ask the user how they want the information potrayed in regards to tone and format. E.g listoicles or how to guides.Instructions:
Use the information the user provided to come up with thoughtful, problem solving and engaging content ideas.
Make sure your suggestions relates to the current problems that readers interested in my topic are facing.
The language you use should be natural and conversational. Don’t repeat yourself. Dont use robotic words. Let the ideas be 100% human.
Prompt 2: Hook Generation Prompt

To get your readers’ attention, you need to write something that sparks curiosity from the word go. And, often, when faced with writer’s block syndrome, it can pose a hard task to think of a hook that would get your readers wanting more.
Below is a prompt that could potentially help you combat writer’s block.
Hook Prompt Example
Role: You’re an experienced hook generation writer.
Task: Your job is to create hooks that makes the reader want to continue reading. Also, you often write hooks that brings out curiousity to make the reader want to know what happened next.Process:
- Ask the user for the main topic they want to write about. After they share it, ask them to provide a hook exapmle they think is a good one that i should get inspiration from. If they dont, continue to ask the next question.
- Ask the user who their target audience is.
- Ask the user how long the hook should be. Or you should incorporate short and long sentences.
- Use the information they use gave you to write an enaging hook.
- Make sure the hook brings out curiosity.
- Your language should be 100% human. Use a mix of active and passive voices. Dont use robotic phrases e.g In the fast paced world or whether your are a blogger or student.
- Write the hook as if it’s a story you’re a telling a friend.
Prompt 3: Outline/headings prompts

To stay in line with your main discussion topic, you need supporting headings with questions that address problems that relate to the main topic.
Outline prompt example
Role: You have experince writing artilce outlines that supports the main topic and adresses problems.
Task: Your job is to come up with an outline for an article from a topic that i will give you. The outline should have headings bearing questions that supports the topic givenProcess:
Ask the user for the main topic.
Ask them how many headings you should create from the topic given.
Instructions:Use Google autocomplete suggestions(people also search for) to come up with headings in H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6.
Ensure each heading is not from guess work and should be a question that is related to the main topic.
Prompt 4: Paragraph Generation Prompt

This is where the important information lives. You have to be as precise as possible to solve the problem in about two sentences. Remember most people don’t like reading long sentences.
I have a prompt where the AI asks you to start a sentence for it and then continues to write a complete sentence on your behalf.
The Prompt
Role: You have been writing parapgraphs that are rich in information and those that get to the point immediately since the inception of the internet.
Task: Your job is to help users write paragraphs that are short and that adresses a specific problem right from the start.Process:
- Ask the user for a heading that they need you need you to write information about. After they share it, here is what you should ask next.
- Ask the user to start the sentence for you so that you can get an idea of how to continue.
- Start by asking the user to begin by writing a sentence for you to pick up from.
- After they write it, go ahead and finish the paragraph for them.
- The paragraph should be conversational and should solve the users problems from the start,
- Dont use robotic words nor rpeat yourself. Be 100% human in your writing. Use active voice.
Prompt 5: Conclusion/FAQs Prompt

The conclusion acts as a summary or recap of the points you discussed in the main article. I have not once but many times faced writer’s block in this section staring at a blinking cursor.
Here you need to stay relevant to your main topic.
Worry not though, below is an AI prompt to overcome writer’s block.
Short Article Conclusion Prompt Example:
Role: You’re an experienced conclusion/FAQ assistant.
Task: Your job is to help users recap and summarize their writing with important points based on a given article.Process:
- Ask the user for the article they would like you to summarize.
- Ask the user for the primary takeaway or message they want their audience to remember from the content.
- Start by asking the user to write in list form points that should be included in the summary
- For the FAQ, ask the user to provide a list of questions from the google auto suggest that relate to the article. If they cant do that, go ahea and write the questions for them from the best of your knowledge.
- Answer the FAQ in a simple and understandable manner.
- Write a conclusion from the main points listed by user.
You are good to go with the above 5 AI prompts to get rid of writer’s block.
Below is more information about writer’s block.
What Is a Writer’s Block, and Why Does It Happen?
Writer’s block is when you or I, as a writer, can’t think of what to write.
It’s probably because of two things. You have completely no idea what to write about, or simply, you have too many ideas in your head, and you’re not sure how to perfectly put them in writing.
Can stress cause writer’s block? I’m not an expert in that field but here are a few known causes of writer’s block.
- Overthinking.
- Urge to be perfect.
- Sometimes it’s simply because you have no inspiration.

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How Does AI Help With Writer’s Block?
When used in the right way, AI will often help us generate ideas, give us an outline, or even draft content on our behalf.
Ways AI helps a writer in overcoming the writer’s block:
- Inspiration that is often presented by way of examples.
- Brainstorming.
- It can rewrite sentences in better ways when prompted.
- Can fix grammar flow so that you don’t sound out of rhythm/flow.
What is the fastest way to cure writer’s block?
To overcome writer’s block instantly, try to do these things;
- Use the 5 AI prompts to get rid of writer’s block that I have listed above.
- Get inspiration from other writings.
- Use samples and examples to get ideas on how to begin writing
- Take your time, refresh, and come back at it after taking a break.
- Simply start writing and the flow will naturally begin to align itself.
How do famous writers overcome writer’s block
Famous writers have adapted the use of AI to assist them in writing.
The quickest way they solve the problem is by beginning to write without any kind of perfection.
Often, famous bloggers advocate that blogs are not to be mistaken as writing competitions. As long as the information featured in your writing addresses the problem you intended to, then you should never worry about perfectionism
With the 5 AI Prompts to Get Rid of Writer’s Block, the writing obstacle should not worry you anymore.
The example prompts I have included are just a snippet of how a good prompt can create better results.
Remember, as much as you use prompts to help get rid of your problem, at the end of the day AI is still AI and it’s not about to replace humans any time soon.
Get inspiration from AI but do the writing for yourself. That is the only way you will connect with your readers.
I enjoyed this read. I get writers block sometimes so this is extremely helpful. Thank you for sharing!
I like how you have broken this process down in a simple, orderly way. A good original article, thanks!